Monday, November 19, 2012

Argh, Matey! 2/30

Argh!, collage/acrylic, 6 x 6, Elizabeth W. Seaver

Avast! Here is me second painting of thirty, which now joins Archibald and 28 "Mateys" on the wall in the McGuire Woods Gallery in W-16 at The Workhouse at Lorton, VA. Please go by and see them. Don't be afraid. All walkings of the plank have been suspended for the duration of the show.
But here is something to ponder...What would you do if you came back to your pile of clean laundry to find a filthy pirate in possession of it? Would you run away screaming? Would you don an eyepatch and fight along side him? Or would you engage the scurvy swab in a duel for your dresses, a swordfight for your socks, an ferocious undertaking for your underwear, or give him a pounding for your pants? Are you a man, woman or mouse? Leave your responses below in the comments section. 
(Truly, I won't judge you because yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum -- I'm already into the eggnog!  See you tomorrow with painting number 3.)


scmorgan said...

I'm in for the fight. Based on the nickname my students gave me from an old email address, "scarrrrrrrter," I've got some pirate in me.
Love this series, Elizabeth!

Elizabeth Seaver said...

I believe it (you're in for the fight, that is) you are a scrappy individual, I've always said! Thanks for commenting!

Dorothy said...

Completely Brill! I think I'd don the eye patch and fight alongside! I'm always down for some good fun!

Elizabeth Seaver said...

Woo-hoo, let's have a hullaballoo!