Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Art of Collaborating and More...

Seven pairs have sold, fifteen have gone to Backdoor Gallery and fifteen more are slated for delivery to LibertyTown on Monday. Santa's elves have been busy. Click on the picture to see them more closely.

This is my kind of art--no two pairs alike and collaborating with an amazingly creative person like Lynette.

I enjoy the collaborative process. If two artists are in tune, things can go one of two ways for success--either one starts the process and then stays out of the other's way to let them do their part (like my cool collaborator, Tex Forrest, did with Wilbur.)

Or the artists sit side by side and work together, bouncing ideas off of each other, asking opinions and generally fueling a runaway train of creativity and fun. That's the way it works with Lynette and me. It is so all-absorbing that we look up two hours later, with aching necks and cranky from lack of lunch--or cookies!

I would love to hear other stories of collaboration. Did they go well? Not so well? Dump it in my comments section.


cath carbone said...

Je découvre ton blog, j'aime beaucoup ton travail! Des aventures et de très belles photos.
Je suis artiste peintre, photographe amateur; je me suis inscrite pour suivre tes publications!
Je t'invite à me rendre visite sur mes blogs et voir mon travail, merci beaucoup et bonne journée!

HI, I discover your blog that I like very much! adventures and very beautiful photographs.
I am french amateur photographer; I was registered to follow your publications
Do not hesitate to visit my blogs and see my work, thank you, have a nice day! Cath.

Elizabeth Seaver said...

Thank you so much, Cath. I will be right over to visit!

Vivian said...

Every single pair is unique and exquisite and demonstrates the obvious advantage of true collaboration. You have gotten me in the Christmas shopping mood with your creativity. Thanks to you both.

Elizabeth Seaver said...

And thanks to you! We are Santa's humble helpers.

Elizabeth Seaver said...

Hi, Valerie. I'm glad you like them.

Elizabeth said...

Great colors and great work!! it seems that you all are having a wonderful time at Water Street Studios!!! YEAH!!!

Elizabeth Seaver said...

Hi, Elizabeth--we are having so much fun at our new place, it ought to be illegal. Thanks for stopping by to say hello.

Unknown said...

nice craft!!
paintings online

Elizabeth Seaver said...

Thank you. I really appreciate your stopping by and making a comment. I'm coming over for a visit to you!