...keeps the blues away?
These days, all I can do is paint these delicious morsels. They are usually overflowing with frosting since it is so much fun to render, but when I ate them, I prefered very little frosting to get in the way of my cake. I mean, it is called cupCAKE, after all.
This little guy is 5 x 5, acrylic and collage and is framed in the LibertyTown gallery for $85.
I'll have more to share on another day.
Create to your heart's content, everyone!
Oh Elizabeth...I'm so in love with your pastries and fruit!! You are a master! I'd give anything to visit Liberty Town!!
Wouldn't we have fun meeting each other!? We'd talk and collage and collage and talk!
Thanks for the encouragement, Saundra.
I love your subject!
Nicely done! I like the design and textures. Makes me hungry, too!
I blew this one up to really see the collage pieces. Love it!
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