1. Put the logo on your blog or post
2. Nominate 10 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3. Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Nominate your favorites and link to your post.
Here are my terrific nominees:
Dan Finnegan
Ariel Freeman
Elizabeth Woodford
Sandy Mastroni
Holly Zemak
Tracey Clarke
Vania's Art
Thanks for all your support, comments and creativity!
Thank you ! I will try to get to this soon
AND I want to visit the other artists you chose too !
Thank you !!!!!!!!!
I forgot to say :
I LOVE your wildflowers painting !!!!
Thanks, Sandy!
Thanks for listing your favorite links; I will definitely check them out. A good idea for increasing traffic for anyone!! ~ Ruth
Thanks so much!!
Thanks very much Elizabeth.Lovely award. This will need some thinking about.
Thank you Chica and right back at you!!! You ahve been so supportive of me and my work and I really appreciate it. So many of my blog friends have listed themselves as tag free zones so I will post a list with links but I am not going to tag them as I need to respect their wishes. they do need to know how much that they are appreciated !!!
Thanks again!
I will get to this soon, promise!
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