I've been busy this week finishing up some pieces that I started last week. Here is another one which began with an "under painting" of collage. I wanted to save the strong diagonal element that I had placed from the right hand corner towards the center of the canvas, and it will definitely need to help inform the title! The piece is 11 x 14 and is painted with acrylic.
It was interesting to read the comments from everyone about naming your work. I'm glad I'm not alone in finding it difficult sometimes. I'm not sure that Don't Fence Me In is the final title, but it made me smile, so that's what I titled today's post. I agree that living with a work for awhile helps the title float to the surface. I'm always in so much of a hurry to get on to the next piece that I sometimes rush that part of the project. Percolation is important in coffee and in other things in life!
Thanks for looking and commenting. It is much appreciated!
Great blog...wonderful art.
Thanks for visiting me Elizabeth, because I have now found you.
Another printmaker too. :)
Thanks so much, Jo! I really relate to your printmaking style and to your openness to think outside the box with it. I'm glad we stumbled on each other's blogs!
Thanks for you kind comment on my blog today Elizabeth...and, I'm laughing, because the little painting I posted "percolated" rather quickly and I changed it...Ahhh, life! Ain't it wonderful! You are the first artist I've met besides myself that likes to mix collage and acrylic...nice to meet you!
This is a lovely piece. It's funny you've named it "Don't Fence Me In," as there is a homeowner down our street who just erected a white plastic picket fence around their property and it is really not very attractive. No one else in the neighborhood has a fence. Everytime we go by, we just wonder, "Why on Earth?????"
This is my favorite, beautiful colors
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